Educational Support Opportunities
Medical education plays an important role in the quality of healthcare delivered across the globe. Physicians, researchers, scientists and other healthcare professionals are increasingly challenged to maintain their knowledge, skills and abilities within their respective professions. By providing an educational grant in support of the educational opportunities below, you will make a vital contribution to these efforts and support better patient outcomes.
All educational grants are managed in compliance with relevant CME accreditation criteria and industry compliance codes. In order to ensure independence of all CME accredited elements, companies providing grants may not influence the topic, speaker selection, or any other aspect of the content or presentation. No promotional, commercial, or advertising materials may be included in the following opportunities. All support will be disclosed to participants.
All grants are managed in compliance with relevant accreditation and industry compliance criteria.

Educational Grant in support of an existing official session accepted or invited by the organizing committee and supported by a grant from the industry.
- Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the Final Programme, on the event website, and with signage during the event.

Grants of any amount, whether for the overall programme or for individual sessions, are appreciated and important to the success of the event.
- Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the Final Programme, on the event website, and with signage during the event.

Opportunity to support through an educational grant an official parallel pre-meeting satellite of the AAT- AD/PD Focus Meeting prior to the official Meeting days
Pre-Meeting Satellite will take place on
Full day satellite / Half day satellite
This session will be acknowledged in official publications as: Pre-Meeting Satellite supported by an educational grant by: Company Name (not included in the main event CME/CPD credit offering)
The supporting company will not be permitted to influence the session programme
Session Programme:
- A full/half day educational programme
- The programme will include, for a full day, an estimated 15 international speakers (program TBD)
- This is a stand-alone satellite associated with the AAT- AD/PD Focus Meeting however with separate participation, faculty, CME application and organisers
- The educational grant package includes secretariat support from Kenes International, and marketing of the session as an independent program alongside the AAT- AD/PD Focus Meeting
- Refreshments will be offered to participants at coffee and lunch breaks
- CME application and all the accompanying administration (contact with speakers, disclosures, evaluation and certificates) will be arranged by the meeting organiser
- Price includes all expenses including catering and speakers’ expenses
- Registration – Registration to the pre-meeting satellite will be under the responsibility of Kenes International – AAT- AD/PD Focus Meeting participants may register for the session at a 10% discount
- Advertisement
- Dedicated page on the AAT- AD/PD Focus Meeting website with the details of the pre-meeting satellite program and organisational information
- Company logo under the category “Supporter” on AAT- AD/PD Focus Meeting website and vice versa
- Complimentary registrations:
- 12 pre-meeting satellite registrations
- 4 full AAT- AD/PD Focus Meeting registrations
Joint Support of this CME Session is also possible, depending on minimum of 2 Supporters supporting and total Support fund achieved.

The Meeting App engages attendees with personalized planning tools and real-time event updates. The App transforms smartphones, tablets and laptops into a tool for active meeting participation, making it easy for participants to access meeting information they need and to connect with speakers and colleagues. The App includes the scientific programme, abstracts, speaker info, participant lists, rating/voting system for sessions/speakers and a personalized scheduler and is easily downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
Meeting App support includes:
- Supporter acknowledgement on the splash/pop-up screen of the app: “Supported by: company name/logo” (product logo not permitted)
- 2 push notifications sent to users from the App
- Priority listing in the list of supporters
- Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the Final Programme, on the event website, and on signage during the event

An electronic version of the traditional final programme will be available to participants to access the scientific programme and other meeting information easily and conveniently online and as a download on mobile phones or computer.
With e-Books, participants can use the intuitive Search button, have the ability to bookmark sessions, events and other information, share information with colleagues and if desired, even print the programme. Supporter will not have any input regarding the content.
- Supporter acknowledgement on the cover of the e-Book: “Supported by: company name/logo” (product logo not permitted)
- Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the Final Programme, on the event website, and on signage during the event

Support will be recognised with signage at the entrance to the Poster area with ˝Supported by…˝ and a company logo
- Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the Final Programme, on the event website, and with signage during the event
Funding support to the development of a blended learning programme. In order to improve physician competencies and ultimately improve patient care, we are offering blended learning opportunities. This interactive and well-received learning method combines face-to-face learning with online learning. Trainings and educational activities can be blended in many ways. Blended learning courses have proven to be a popular choice for learners as it allows learners to take advantage of much of the flexibility and convenience of an online course while retaining the benefits of the face-to-face experience.
A blended learning programme includes:
- Online pre/post-test and/or online pre-/post e-learning course/ case-study linked to a Symposium/Educational Session* at the Meeting for a face-to-face session.
- Support will be disclosed in the Industry Support section of the Meeting website and Programme Guide.
- Support will be acknowledged within the online learning activity
Please note that it is the Exhibitors’/ Supporters’ responsibility to comply with the local authority’s regulations, EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceuticals Industries & Associations), Medtech Europe (represents Medical Technology industry) and IFPMA (International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations) Code of Practice on the promotion of medicines. Failure to comply with these regulations may not be used as a ground to declare the contract void. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will not expose the Organizer to any suits, demands by the Exhibitor/Supporter or any other third party.
Tailored packages can be arranged to suit your objectives. Please do not hesitate to contact the Support and Exhibition Sales Department to discuss your needs.
Please note that all Supporters will be acknowledged in the Final Program, on the onsite Supporters’ Acknowledgement Board, and on the Meeting website.
Contact us now for pricing, bookings and customized packages.