Entirely Virtual Meeting

Dear AAT-AD/PD™ Community:

Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. The current coronavirus crisis has prompted us to take extraordinary measures.

For AAT-AD/PD™, the science of finding solutions for patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases has always been our DNA. Even in difficult times, the science remains our first priority. Exchanging scientific data and sharing novel insights must not wait.

Therefore AAT-AD/PD™ 2020 will not be postponed. For the first time, AAT-AD/PD™ 2020 will be held as an entirely virtual meeting. Instead of meeting in person, we will be meeting virtually over the web. Lectures will be held from remote locations; posters will be shared virtually. Forum discussions and corporate symposia will be webcast online and on time. Exhibitors will be able to meet online to discuss new collaborations.

We are in this together. And we are going to get over it together. To help us in the joint endeavor of keeping the scientific momentum going, we ask you for support. Stay with your commitment to AAT-AD/PD™ 2020 by joining us online.

AAT-AD/PD™ 2020 is your meeting. Please do not cancel your participation in your meeting. Share your science, your insights and your expertise. The virtual AAT-AD/PD™ 2020 meeting is depending on your active participation. Become part of the first virtual AAT-AD/PD™ meeting in the history of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

And please do not withdraw your pledged contributions. The AAT-AD/PD™ tech teams are mounting extraordinary efforts to get this job done within the coming weeks.

We assure you that this online platform will allow for maximum visibility and exposure for any of your activities. Advantages of the virtual AAT-AD/PD™ 2020 meeting include even better visibility to a broader audience. We are also sending a tangible signal of caring for patients and families who are desperately waiting for advances in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s therapy. Patients, families, patient advocacy groups, as well as regulators throughout the world, are relying on AAT-AD/PD™ to promote advances in therapy in a timely fashion.

Thank you very much for your continued support.

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